Supervision and Treatment of Sex Offenders-DC Public Safety Television

The topic for the twenty-fourth television show produced by the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency is “Supervision and Treatment of Sex Offenders.”

The program is a combined effort of the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA) and the Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice.

The portal site for “DC Public Safety” television, radio, blog and transcripts is

Transcript available at

Current Television Program:

The program provides an overview of sex offender supervision and treatment strategies from a national and local perspective.

CSOSA adheres to state-of-the-art and evidence-based practices to both protect public safety and provide treatment strategies stabilizing the offender’s time in the community.

Participants-First segment:

 Thomas Williams, Associate Director, Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency

Scott  Matson, Senior Policy Advisor, U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs

Participants-Second segment:

Dr. Celena Gates, Director of Treatment, Sex Offender Program, Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency

Thomas Williams, Associate Director Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency

Special Announcements:

A top priority for Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is to invest in scientific research to ensure that the Department is both tough and smart on crime. The Office of Justice Programs’ website shapes rigorous research into a central, reliable, and credible resource to inform practitioners and policy makers about what works in criminal justice.

A new website lists and evaluates prisoner re-entry programs nationwide. Launched by the Urban Institute, the Council of State Governments, and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Prisoner Reentry Institute, the “What Works Clearinghouse” can be seen at

The National Reentry Resource Center is a project of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice. Please see the Center’s website at Please see “Federal Interagency Reentry Council Launches Website, Releases Myth-Buster Series” on the front page of the site (see announcements). CSOSA is a member of the Council.

Several requesters have asked for national research on reentry. The Office of Justice Program’s National Institute of Justice reentry research portfolio supports the evaluation of innovative reentry programs. To access these studies and NIJ’s entire reentry research portfolio visit .

The Office of Violence Against Women offers stalking response tips for corrections, prosecutors, judges, law enforcement, victims and victim advocates. They are posted on OVW’s website at .

Correctional Social Media:

The Pew Center on the State’s Public Safety Performance Project offers a video on research to reduce recidivism as well as brief but powerful overviews of reentry and sentencing research. See .

The U.S. DOJ Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships held two successful webinars on Faith and Community Based approaches to Reentry and Responsible Fatherhood Initiatives. Click the links below to watch/listen to these informative webinars.

  1. Faith and Community Based Approaches to Responsible Fatherhood and its Impact on Delinquency Prevention, see
  2. A Look at Faith & Community-Based Approaches to Offender Reentry, see

The Louisiana Department of Corrections/Division of Probation and Parole is offering radio shows on offender reentry. Please visit their website at .

The New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services offers podcasts at

The Minnesota Department of Corrections offers a YouTube channel at .

The Facebook page for the Rhode Island Department of Corrections is .

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Facebook Page is

The Twitter page is .

Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency:

We welcome your comments or suggestions at .

The website for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency is . The social media site is .

Television and radio programs are hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barnes.

Comments offered on “DC Public Safety” television and radio programs are the opinions of participants and do not necessarily represent the policies of CSOSA or other government agencies.


Sexual Exploitation of Children-DC Public Safety-US Department of Justice

Sexual Exploitation of Children – “DC Public Safety”

Welcome to DC Public Safety–radio and television shows on crime, criminal offenders and the criminal justice system.

The topic for the eighteenth television show produced by the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency is the Sexual Exploitation of Children.

US Attorney General Eric Holder recently announced a national strategy to prevent and combat the sexual exploitation of children by bringing all facets of the criminal justice system and national and state partners together to coordinate activities.

Participating in the show is the US Department of Justice, the US Marshal’s Service and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) of the US Department of Justice. OJJDP produced the show.

Members of  the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency discuss initiatives CSOSA is currently using to protect children through the supervision of sex offenders.

Participants-first segment:

  • ­­­Francey Hakes, National Coordinator for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction, U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ)
  • Dr. Michael Bourke, U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), Chief Psychologist

Participants-second segment:

  • Kevin Jones, Community Supervision Officer, Sex Offender Unit
  • Ashley Natoli, Community Supervision Officer, Sex Offender Unit

See for our radio shows, blog and transcripts.

Transcript available at

We welcome your comments or suggestions at or at Twitter at

The host is Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barnes.


Parole and Probation Officers–A Day in the Life

“Parole and Probation Officers” ( A Day in the Life) is part of the “DC Public Safety” television series.

Please see for our radio shows. See

We welcome your comments and suggestions at

“Parole and Probation officers” provides an overview of a “day in the life” of a Community Supervision Officer at the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA) in Washington, D.C.  CSOSA supervises approximately 16,000 offenders at any given time; this program discusses the challenges and rewards of being a Community Supervision Officer.

The program is offered by the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency, a federal executive branch entity in Washington,

The show is hosted by Leonard Sipes. Timothy Barnes is the Producer.

Transcript available at

Series Meta terms: Accountability, tours, inter-agency, interagency, crime, criminals, criminal justice, parole,
probation, agent, community, supervision, officer, prison, drug treatment, reentry, police, cooperation, law enforcement.


Using GPS to Supervise and Assist Criminal Offenders

“Using GPS to Supervise and Assist Criminal Offenders” is part of the “DC Public Safety” television series.

Please see < for our radio shows.

We welcome your comments and suggestions at

The program is offered by the Court Services and Offender
Supervision Agency, a federal executive branch entity in Washington,

“Using GPS to Supervise and Assist Criminal Offenders” provides an oveview of
the success of the Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) Program at the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA).

The show is hosted by Leonard Sipes.

Transcript available at

Series Meta terms: crime, criminals, criminal justice, parole,
probation, prison, drug treatment, reentry, sex offenders, GPS.


Sex Offenders

Welcome to DC Public Safety – Radio and Television shows on crime, criminal offenders and the criminal justice system.

Please see for our radio shows.

We welcome your comments and suggestions at

Today on DC Public Safety we discuss how CSOSA supervises Sex Offenders in the Washington DC Community.

Transcript available at

Meta terms: crime, criminals, criminal justice, parole, probation, prison,
drug treatment, reentry, sex offenders.
