Tag: offender reentry

  • Crime Victims and Offender Reentry-National Institute of Corrections


    DC Public Safety Radio and Television won the Government Customer Service Community of Practice (Cgov) 2014 Overall Excellence and Best Use of technology Awards. See conta.cc/1qiBV74  .

    DC Public Safety won awards for best podcast and audio from the National Association of Government Communicators in 2014, see  . We are finalists for two new awards for 2015 for best podcast and audio.

    DC Public Safety Television won three awards for public affairs television in 2014 from CTV and DCTV.

    Welcome to “DC Public Safety” – Radio and television shows, blog and transcripts on crime, criminal offenders, and the criminal justice system.

    We received 230,000 visits in 2014.

    Page views range from 653,000 to 1.4 million a year.

    This is radio show 247.

    The portal site for “DC Public Safety” is http://media.csosa.gov

    Subscribe to “DC Public Safety” through iTunes.

    See transcript at http://media.csosa.gov/podcast/transcripts/2016/04/crime-victims-offender-re-entry/

    Current Radio Program:

    With so much focus on the 700,000 people returning to communities each year after serving sentences of incarceration, little attention has been paid to how reentry can affect victims of crimes. In a televised broadcast, the National Institute of Corrections set the stage for opening dialogue about this important issue. Jurisdictions were challenged to review how they approached victims’ services and address how their staff were trained to respond to victim requests. Now with greater awareness prompted throughout the field on crime victims’ rights and the obligation of the corrections field to provide services and protection, today’s radio show continues the dialogue by highlighting promising programs throughout the country that are successfully integrating victims in the reentry process. The show also identifies resources and funding opportunities for jurisdictions wishing to improve victim serves programming in their own areas.

    Guests of the show include Lorie Brisbin, Correctional Program Specialist at the National Institute of Corrections and Anne Seymour, a national crime victim advocate.

    The victim services broadcast and participant guide are available from the National Institute of Corrections at . The website for the National Institute of Corrections is http://www.nicic.gov.

    This program was produced by Donna Ledbetter of the Director’s Office of National Institute of Corrections.

    Special Announcements:

    A top priority for the Department of Justice is to invest in scientific research to ensure that the Department is both tough and smart on crime. The Office of Justice Programs’ CrimeSolutions.gov website shapes rigorous research into a central, reliable, and credible resource to inform practitioners and policy makers about what works in criminal justice.

    A new website lists and evaluates prisoner re-entry programs nationwide. Launched by the Urban Institute, the Council of State Governments, and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Prisoner Reentry Institute, the “What Works Clearinghouse” can be seen at http://nationalreentryresourcecenter.org/what_works.

    The National Reentry Resource Center is a project of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice. Please see the Center’s website at http://www.nationalreentryresourcecenter.org/. Please see “Federal Interagency Reentry Council Launches Website, Releases Myth-Buster Series” on the front page of the site (see announcements). CSOSA is a member of the Council. Several requesters have asked for national research on reentry.

    The Office of Justice Program’s National Institute of Justice reentry research portfolio supports the evaluation of innovative reentry programs. To access these studies and NIJ’s entire reentry research portfolio visit www.nij.gov/nij/topics/corrections/reentry/welcome.htm .

    The Office of Violence Against Women offers stalking response tips for corrections, prosecutors, judges, law enforcement, victims and victim advocates. They are posted on OVW’s website at www.ovw.usdoj.gov .

    The National Institute of Corrections Information Center is one of the largest repositories for corrections research and information in the country. See  www.nicic.gov/Library.

    Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency:

    We welcome your comments or suggestions at leonard.sipes@csosa.gov.

    The website for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency is http://www.csosa.gov/.

    The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barns.

    Comments offered on “DC Public Safety” television and radio programs are the opinions of participants and do not necessarily represent the policies of CSOSA or other government agencies.


  • Prisoner Reentry and the Arts-Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company


    DC Public Safety Radio and Television won the Government Customer Service Community of Practice (Cgov) 2014 Overall Excellence  and Best Use of technology Awards. See conta.cc/1qiBV74  .

    DC Public Safety won awards for best podcast and audio from the National Association of Government Communicators in 2014, see . We are finalists for two new awards for 2015.

    DC Public Safety Television won three awards for public affairs television in 2014 from CTV and DCTV.

    Welcome to “DC Public Safety” – Radio and television shows, blog and transcripts on crime, criminal offenders and the criminal justice system.

    We received 230,000 visits in 2014.

    Page views range from 653,000 to 1.4 million a year.

    This is radio show 242.

    The portal site for “DC Public Safety” is http://media.csosa.gov

    Subscribe to “DC Public Safety” through iTunes.

    See the transcript at http://media.csosa.gov/podcast/transcripts/2016/04/offender-reentry-arts/

    Current Radio Program:

    This is the third audio program in the “DC Public Safety” series inviting members of the arts community to address the issue of offender reentry. The Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company in Washington, D.C.  is currently offering, “Lights Rise on Grace,” a play addressing the process of return from prison. It runs through April 26, 2015.

    Those interviewed include Kristen Jackson, Connectivity Director, Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, Teresa Hodge, Founder and Director of Innovation and Strategy for Mission Launch and Justin McCarthy, Communications Coordinator, Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company.

    The website for the Woolly Mammoth Theater Company is http://www.woollymammoth.net/.

    The website for Mission Launch is http://www.mission-launch.org/.

    Special Announcements:

    A top priority for Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is to invest in scientific research to ensure that the Department is both tough and smart on crime. The Office of Justice Programs’ CrimeSolutions.gov website shapes rigorous research into a central, reliable, and credible resource to inform practitioners and policy makers about what works in criminal justice.

    A new website lists and evaluates prisoner re-entry programs nationwide. Launched by the Urban Institute, the Council of State Governments, and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Prisoner Reentry Institute, the “What Works Clearinghouse” can be seen at http://nationalreentryresourcecenter.org/what_works.

    The National Reentry Resource Center is a project of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice. Please see the Center’s website at http://www.nationalreentryresourcecenter.org/. Please see “Federal Interagency Reentry Council Launches Website, Releases Myth-Buster Series” on the front page of the site (see announcements). CSOSA is a member of the Council. Several requesters have asked for national research on reentry.

    The Office of Justice Program’s National Institute of Justice reentry research portfolio supports the evaluation of innovative reentry programs. To access these studies and NIJ’s entire reentry research portfolio visit www.nij.gov/nij/topics/corrections/reentry/welcome.htm .

    The Office of Violence Against Women offers stalking response tips for corrections, prosecutors, judges, law enforcement, victims and victim advocates. They are posted on OVW’s website at www.ovw.usdoj.gov .

    The National Institute of Corrections Information Center is one of the largest repositories for corrections research and information in the country. See  www.nicic.gov/Library.

    Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency:

    We welcome your comments or suggestions at leonard.sipes@csosa.gov.

    The website for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency is http://www.csosa.gov/.

    The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barns.

    Comments offered on “DC Public Safety” television and radio programs are the opinions of participants and do not necessarily represent the policies of CSOSA or other government agencies.

  • The Truth About Reentry from a Former Offender


    DC Public Safety Radio won the 2015 awards for best podcast and best audio from the National Association of Government Communicators.

    DC Public Safety Radio and Television won the Government Customer Service Community of Practice (Cgov) 2014 Overall Excellence and Best Use of technology Awards. See conta.cc/1qiBV74  .

    DC Public Safety Television won three top awards for public affairs television in 2014 from CTV and DCTV.

    Welcome to “DC Public Safety” – Radio and television shows, blog and transcripts on crime, criminal offenders, and the criminal justice system.

    We received 230,000 visits in 2014.

    Page views range from 653,000 to 1.4 million a year.

    This is radio show 217.

    The portal site for “DC Public Safety” is http://media.csosa.gov.

    Subscribe to “DC Public Safety” through iTunes.

    Current Radio Program:

    The program addresses prison reentry from the perspective of a former offender. Our guest is Lamont Carey, President of LaCarey Enterprises. Lamont served 11 years in prison and, upon release, became a motivational speaker who has appeared before Congressional committees and participated in interviews with national media. He has appeared in plays at the Kennedy Center; television shows with HBO and BET and has authored four books.

    The website for LaCarey Enterprises is http://www.lacareyenterprises.com/

    Transcript available at http://media.csosa.gov/podcast/transcripts/2016/02/the-truth-about-reentry-from-a-former-offender/

    Special Announcements:

    A top priority for the Department of Justice is to invest in scientific research to ensure that the Department is both tough and smart on crime. The Office of Justice Programs’ CrimeSolutions.gov website shapes rigorous research into a central, reliable, and credible resource to inform practitioners and policy makers about what works in criminal justice.

    A new website lists and evaluates prisoner re-entry programs nationwide. Launched by the Urban Institute, the Council of State Governments, and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Prisoner Reentry Institute, the “What Works Clearinghouse” can be seen at http://nationalreentryresourcecenter.org/what_works.

    The National Reentry Resource Center is a project of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice. Please see the Center’s website at http://www.nationalreentryresourcecenter.org/. Please see “Federal Interagency Reentry Council Launches Website, Releases Myth-Buster Series” on the front page of the site (see announcements). CSOSA is a member of the Council.

    Several requesters have asked for national research on reentry. The Office of Justice Program’s National Institute of Justice reentry research portfolio supports the evaluation of innovative reentry programs. To access these studies and NIJ’s entire reentry research portfolio visit www.nij.gov/nij/topics/corrections/reentry/welcome.htm .

    The Office of Violence Against Women offers stalking response tips for corrections, prosecutors, judges, law enforcement, victims and victim advocates. They are posted on OVW’s website at www.ovw.usdoj.gov .

    The National Institute of Corrections Information Center is one of the largest repositories for corrections research and information in the country. See  www.nicic.gov/Library.

    Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency:

    We welcome your comments or suggestions at leonard.sipes@csosa.gov.

    The website for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency is http://www.csosa.gov/.

    The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barns.

    Comments offered on “DC Public Safety” television and radio programs are the opinions of participants and do not necessarily represent the policies of CSOSA or other government agencies.

  • Employing Ex-Offenders

    Welcome to “DC Public Safety” – Radio and television shows, blog and transcripts on crime, criminal offenders and the criminal justice system.

    We received 195,000 visits in 2013. Page views range from 633,000 to 1.4 million a year.

    This is radio show 201.

    The portal site for “DC Public Safety” is http://media.csosa.gov.

    Transcript available at http://media.csosa.gov/podcast/transcripts/2014/03/employing-ex-offenders/

    Subscribe to “DC Public Safety” through iTunes.

    Current Radio Program:

    Guests addressed the challenges of finding employment as a former offender.

    The program interviews Tony Lewis, Job Development Specialist for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA). Joining Tony is Keyen Blakely, currently under CSOSA supervision who is employed by the D.C. Department of Human Resources as a Support Services Assistant. The third person interviewed is Kenneth Trice, also under CSOSA supervision who works for the Greater Mount Calvary Holy Church as a Facilities and Maintenance Specialist.

    The website for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency has television and radio programs on the main page addressing employers and asking for feedback on hiring people on community supervision. The website also provides information on tax credits and a bonding program, see http://www.csosa.gov

    Special Announcements:

    A top priority for Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is to invest in scientific research to ensure that the Department is both tough and smart on crime. The Office of Justice Programs’ CrimeSolutions.gov website shapes rigorous research into a central, reliable, and credible resource to inform practitioners and policy makers about what works in criminal justice.

    A new website lists and evaluates prisoner re-entry programs nationwide. Launched yesterday by the Urban Institute, the Council of State Governments, and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Prisoner Reentry Institute, the “What Works Clearinghouse” can be seen at http://nationalreentryresourcecenter.org/what_works.

    The National Reentry Resource Center is a project of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice. Please see the Center’s website at http://www.nationalreentryresourcecenter.org/. Please see “Federal Interagency Reentry Council Launches Website, Releases Myth-Buster Series” on the front page of the site (see announcements). CSOSA is a member of the Council.

    Several requesters have asked for national research on reentry. The Office of Justice Program’s National Institute of Justice reentry research portfolio supports the evaluation of innovative reentry programs. To access these studies and NIJ’s entire reentry research portfolio visit www.nij.gov/nij/topics/corrections/reentry/welcome.htm .

    The Office of Violence Against Women offers stalking response tips for corrections, prosecutors, judges, law enforcement, victims and victim advocates. They are posted on OVW’s website at www.ovw.usdoj.gov .

    The National Institute of Corrections Information Center is one of the largest repositories for corrections research and information in the country. See  www.nicic.gov/Library.

    Correctional Social Media:

    The Pew Center on the States Public Safety Performance Project offers a video on research to reduce recidivism as well as brief but powerful overviews of reentry and sentencing research. See http://www.pewstates.org/projects/public-safety-performance-project-328068 .

    The U.S. DOJ Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships recently held two successful webinars on Faith and Community Based approaches to Reentry and Responsible Fatherhood Initiatives. Click the links below to watch/listen to these informative webinars.

    Faith and Community Based Approaches to Responsible Fatherhood and its Impact on Delinquency Prevention, see https://bjatraining.org/2012/04/10/faith-and-community-based-approaches-responsible-fatherhood-and-its-impact-delinquency

    A Look at Faith & Community-Based Approaches to Offender Reentry, seehttps://bjatraining.org/a-look-at-faith-community-based-approaches-to-offender-reentry

    The Louisiana Department of Corrections/Division of Probation and Parole is offering radio shows on offender reentry. Please visit their website athttp://doc.la.gov/pages/reentry-initiatives/reentry-radio/ .

    The New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services offers podcasts at http://www.criminaljustice.ny.gov/pio/podcasts.html.

    The Minnesota Department of Corrections offers a YouTube channel at http://m.youtube.com/user/minnesotadoc .

    The Facebook page for the Rhode Island Department of Corrections ishttps://www.facebook.com/pages/Rhode-Island-Department-of-Corrections/400377866663063

    The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Facebook Page is  http://www.facebook.com/cacorrections .The Twitter page is  http://twitter.com/cacorrections .

    Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency:

    We welcome your comments or suggestions at leonard.sipes@csosa.gov.

    The website for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency is http://www.csosa.gov/.

    The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barns

    Comments offered on “DC Public Safety” television and radio programs are the opinions of participants and do not necessarily represent the policies of CSOSA or other government agencies.

  • Transforming Offender Employment-National Institute of Corrections-DC Public Safety

    Welcome to “DC Public Safety” – Radio and television shows, blog and transcripts on crime, criminal offenders and the criminal justice system.

    We received 1.4 million page views in 2012.

    This is radio show 187.

    The portal site for “DC Public Safety” is http://media.csosa.gov.

    Transcript available at http://media.csosa.gov/podcast/transcripts/2014/01/transforming-offender-employment-national-institute-corrections-dc-public-safety/

    Subscribe to “DC Public Safety” through iTunes.

    Current Radio Program:

    The program interviews P. Elizabeth Taylor, Correctional Program Specialist for the National Institute of Corrections (NIC), part of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, U.S. Department of Justice.

    The topic is Transforming Offender Employment. The show challenges listeners to rethink their concept of what effective workforce development services entail. The transformation of the field is to move beyond simply helping offenders find a job to helping them learn the skills they need to develop a long-term attachment to the workforce.

    The show also highlights the array of instruction and DVDs that NIC offers for training correctional and parole and probation staff on evidence-based methods of helping reentering offenders find and retain employment upon release.

    The website for the National Institute of Corrections is http://www.nicic.gov .

    For a recent television show on the topic, please see http://media.csosa.gov/podcast/video/2012/04/hiring-offenders-what-works-national-institute-of-corrections-dc-public-safety-television/ .

    Special Announcements:

    A top priority for Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is to invest in scientific research to ensure that the Department is both tough and smart on crime. The Office of Justice Programs’ CrimeSolutions.gov website shapes rigorous research into a central, reliable, and credible resource to inform practitioners and policy makers about what works in criminal justice.

    A new website lists and evaluates prisoner re-entry programs nationwide. Launched yesterday by the Urban Institute, the Council of State Governments, and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Prisoner Reentry Institute, the “What Works Clearinghouse” can be seen at http://nationalreentryresourcecenter.org/what_works.

    The National Reentry Resource Center is a project of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice. Please see the Center’s website at http://www.nationalreentryresourcecenter.org/. Please see “Federal Interagency Reentry Council Launches Website, Releases Myth-Buster Series” on the front page of the site (see announcements). CSOSA is a member of the Council.

    Several requesters have asked for national research on reentry. The Office of Justice Program’s National Institute of Justice reentry research portfolio supports the evaluation of innovative reentry programs. To access these studies and NIJ’s entire reentry research portfolio visit www.nij.gov/nij/topics/corrections/reentry/welcome.htm .

    The Office of Violence Against Women offers stalking response tips for corrections, prosecutors, judges, law enforcement, victims and victim advocates. They are posted on OVW’s website at www.ovw.usdoj.gov .

    The National Institute of Corrections Information Center is one of the largest repositories for corrections research and information in the country. See  www.nicic.gov/Library.

    Correctional Social Media:

    The Pew Center on the States Public Safety Performance Project offers a video on research to reduce recidivism as well as brief but powerful overviews of reentry and sentencing research. See http://www.pewstates.org/projects/public-safety-performance-project-328068 .

    The U.S. DOJ Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships recently held two successful webinars on Faith and Community Based approaches to Reentry and Responsible Fatherhood Initiatives. Click the links below to watch/listen to these informative webinars.

    1.  Faith and Community Based Approaches to Responsible Fatherhood and its Impact on Delinquency Prevention, see https://bjatraining.org/2012/04/10/faith-and-community-based-approaches-responsible-fatherhood-and-its-impact-delinquency
    2. A Look at Faith & Community-Based Approaches to Offender Reentry, seehttps://bjatraining.org/a-look-at-faith-community-based-approaches-to-offender-reentry

    The Louisiana Department of Corrections/Division of Probation and Parole is offering radio shows on offender reentry. Please visit their website at http://doc.la.gov/pages/reentry-initiatives/reentry-radio/ .

    The New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services offers podcasts at http://www.criminaljustice.ny.gov/pio/podcasts.html.

    The Minnesota Department of Corrections offers a YouTube channel at http://m.youtube.com/user/minnesotadoc .

    The Facebook page for the Rhode Island Department of Corrections ishttps://www.facebook.com/pages/Rhode-Island-Department-of-Corrections/400377866663063

    The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Facebook Page is  http://www.facebook.com/cacorrections .The Twitter page is  http://twitter.com/cacorrections .

    Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency:

    We welcome your comments or suggestions at leonard.sipes@csosa.gov.

    The website for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency is http://www.csosa.gov/.

    The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barn

