Hiring People Under Community Supervision-An Employer’s Perspective-Darryl Hallman

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Transcript available at http://media.csosa.gov/podcast/transcripts/2010/11/hiring-people-under-community-supervision-an-employer%e2%80%99s-perspective-darryl-hallman/

The program interviews Darryl Hallman, Director of the AYT Institute of Washington, D.C. The program addresses the hiring of people on parole and probation supervision. Most of the individuals hired by Mr. Hallman to staff his automotive shops were once part of the criminal justice system.

The website for the AYT Institute is www.ayti.us.

Please see the “Hire Us” portion of CSOSA’s website at http://www.csosa.gov.

The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barnes.
