Category: Probation

  • Pretrial, Parole and Probation Supervision Week-American Probation and Parole Association


    DC Public Safety Radio and Television won the Government Customer Service Community of Practice (Cgov) 2014 Overall Excellence Award. See  .

    DC Public Safety won awards for best podcast and audio from the National Association of Government Communicators, see .

    Welcome to “DC Public Safety” – Radio and television shows, blog and transcripts on crime, criminal offenders and the criminal justice system.

    We received 195,000 visits in 2013.

    Page views range from 633,000 to 1.4 million a year.

    This is radio show 216.

    The portal site for “DC Public Safety” is

    Subscribe to “DC Public Safety” through iTunes.

    Current Radio Program:

    The program addresses Pretrial-Probation and Parole Supervision week (July 13-19) sponsored by the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA). The program focused on the contributions of community supervision personnel throughout the country. APPA also cited their upcoming conference in New Orleans from August 3 through 6.

    Our guest was Diane Kincaid, Deputy Director, APPA.

    The website for APPA is .

    A transcript for the show is available at

    Special Announcements:

    A top priority for Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is to invest in scientific research to ensure that the Department is both tough and smart on crime. The Office of Justice Programs’ website shapes rigorous research into a central, reliable, and credible resource to inform practitioners and policy makers about what works in criminal justice.

    A new website lists and evaluates prisoner re-entry programs nationwide. Launched by the Urban Institute, the Council of State Governments, and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Prisoner Reentry Institute, the “What Works Clearinghouse” can be seen at

    The National Reentry Resource Center is a project of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice. Please see the Center’s website at Please see “Federal Interagency Reentry Council Launches Website, Releases Myth-Buster Series” on the front page of the site (see announcements). CSOSA is a member of the Council.

    Several requesters have asked for national research on reentry. The Office of Justice Program’s National Institute of Justice reentry research portfolio supports the evaluation of innovative reentry programs. To access these studies and NIJ’s entire reentry research portfolio visit .

    The Office of Violence Against Women offers stalking response tips for corrections, prosecutors, judges, law enforcement, victims and victim advocates. They are posted on OVW’s website at .

    The National Institute of Corrections Information Center is one of the largest repositories for corrections research and information in the country. See

    Correctional Social Media:

    The Pew Center on the States Public Safety Performance Project offers a video on research to reduce recidivism as well as brief but powerful overviews of reentry and sentencing research. See .

    The U.S. DOJ Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships recently held two successful webinars on Faith and Community Based approaches to Reentry and Responsible Fatherhood Initiatives. Click the links below to watch/listen to these informative webinars.

    1. Faith and Community Based Approaches to Responsible Fatherhood and its Impact on Delinquency Prevention, see
    2. A Look at Faith & Community-Based Approaches to Offender Reentry, see

    The Louisiana Department of Corrections/Division of Probation and Parole is offering radio shows on offender reentry. Please visit their website at .

    The New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services offers podcasts at

    The Minnesota Department of Corrections offers a YouTube channel at .

    The Facebook page for the Rhode Island Department of Corrections is .

    The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Facebook Page is . The Twitter page is .

    Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency:

    We welcome your comments or suggestions at

    The website for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency is

    The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barns.

    Comments offered on “DC Public Safety” television and radio programs are the opinions of participants and do not necessarily represent the policies of CSOSA or other government agencies.


  • Warrantless Searches-APPA-Washington State University

    DC Public Safety Radio and Television won the Government Customer Service Community of Practice (Cgov) 2014 Overall Excellence Award. See  .

    DC Public Safety won awards for best podcast and audio from the National Association of Government Communicators, see .

    Welcome to “DC Public Safety” – Radio and television shows, blog and transcripts on crime, criminal offenders and the criminal justice system.

    We received 195,000 visits in 2013.

    Page views range from 633,000 to 1.4 million a year.

    This is radio show 214.

    Transcript available at

    The portal site for “DC Public Safety” is

    Subscribe to “DC Public Safety” through iTunes.

    Current Radio Program:

    The program addresses the issue of warrantless searches by parole and probation and police officers based on new research. Participants include Adam Matz, Research Associate, American Probation and Parole Association, Craig Hemmens, Ph.D., Chair and Professor, Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Washington State University and John Turner, Doctoral Student, Washington State University.

    The website for the American Probation and Parole Association is .

    The website for the Washington State University is .

    Special Announcements:

    New!! Health Reform and Public Safety: New Opportunities, Better Outcomes – a  three-hour broadcast to inform and increase awareness around the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) to enhance collaboration between the criminal justice/corrections and healthcare systems. June 18-9am PT / 10am MT / 11am CT/ 12pm ET.  Register Now at this link (green button on the right).

    A top priority for Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is to invest in scientific research to ensure that the Department is both tough and smart on crime. The Office of Justice Programs’ website shapes rigorous research into a central, reliable, and credible resource to inform practitioners and policy makers about what works in criminal justice.

    A new website lists and evaluates prisoner re-entry programs nationwide. Launched by the Urban Institute, the Council of State Governments, and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Prisoner Reentry Institute, the “What Works Clearinghouse” can be seen at

    The National Reentry Resource Center is a project of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice. Please see the Center’s website at Please see “Federal Interagency Reentry Council Launches Website, Releases Myth-Buster Series” on the front page of the site (see announcements). CSOSA is a member of the Council.

    Several requesters have asked for national research on reentry. The Office of Justice Program’s National Institute of Justice reentry research portfolio supports the evaluation of innovative reentry programs. To access these studies and NIJ’s entire reentry research portfolio visit .

    The Office of Violence Against Women offers stalking response tips for corrections, prosecutors, judges, law enforcement, victims and victim advocates. They are posted on OVW’s website at .

    The National Institute of Corrections Information Center is one of the largest repositories for corrections research and information in the country. See

    Correctional Social Media:

    The Pew Center on the States Public Safety Performance Project offers a video on research to reduce recidivism as well as brief but powerful overviews of reentry and sentencing research. See .

    The U.S. DOJ Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships recently held two successful webinars on Faith and Community Based approaches to Reentry and Responsible Fatherhood Initiatives. Click the links below to watch/listen to these informative webinars.

    1. Faith and Community Based Approaches to Responsible Fatherhood and its Impact on Delinquency Prevention, see
    2. A Look at Faith & Community-Based Approaches to Offender Reentry, see

    The Louisiana Department of Corrections/Division of Probation and Parole is offering radio shows on offender reentry. Please visit their website at .

    The New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services offers podcasts at

    The Minnesota Department of Corrections offers a YouTube channel at .

    The Facebook page for the Rhode Island Department of Corrections is .

    The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Facebook Page is . The Twitter page is .

    Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency:

    We welcome your comments or suggestions at

    The website for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency is

    The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barns.

    Comments offered on “DC Public Safety” television and radio programs are the opinions of participants and do not necessarily represent the policies of CSOSA or other government agencies.

  • Stress and Turnover in Parole and Probation-APPA

    Welcome to “DC Public Safety” – Radio and television shows, blog and transcripts on crime, criminal offenders and the criminal justice system.

    We received 195,000 visits in 2013. Page views range from 633,000 to 1.4 million a year.

    This is radio show 207.

    Transcript available at

    The portal site for “DC Public Safety” is

    Subscribe to “DC Public Safety” through iTunes.

    Current Radio Program:

    The program addressed stress and turnover in parole and probation agencies.

    We interviewed Adam Matz, Research Associate with the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) an affiliate of the Council of State Governments (CSG) and Kristen Lewis, a Probation Officer with the Maricopa County Adult Probation Department (MCAPD).  In addition, she is an adjunct psychology instructor at Glendale Community College, co-owner of KSL Research, Training & Consultation, LLC, and an approved instructor by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc.

    The show highlighted two research articles written by the participants;  Surviving the trenches: The personal impact of the job on probation officers. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 38(1), 67-84. Retrievable at and A meta-analysis of the correlates of turnover intent in criminal justice organizations: Does agency type matter? Journal of Criminal Justice, 42(3), 233-243. Retrievable at .

    Kristen’s website is . Adam’s website is

    Special Announcements:

    A top priority for Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is to invest in scientific research to ensure that the Department is both tough and smart on crime. The Office of Justice Programs’ website shapes rigorous research into a central, reliable, and credible resource to inform practitioners and policy makers about what works in criminal justice.

    A new website lists and evaluates prisoner re-entry programs nationwide. Launched yesterday by the Urban Institute, the Council of State Governments, and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Prisoner Reentry Institute, the “What Works Clearinghouse” can be seen at

    The National Reentry Resource Center is a project of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice. Please see the Center’s website at Please see “Federal Interagency Reentry Council Launches Website, Releases Myth-Buster Series” on the front page of the site (see announcements). CSOSA is a member of the Council.

    Several requesters have asked for national research on reentry. The Office of Justice Program’s National Institute of Justice reentry research portfolio supports the evaluation of innovative reentry programs. To access these studies and NIJ’s entire reentry research portfolio visit .

    The Office of Violence Against Women offers stalking response tips for corrections, prosecutors, judges, law enforcement, victims and victim advocates. They are posted on OVW’s website at .

    The National Institute of Corrections Information Center is one of the largest repositories for corrections research and information in the country. See

    Correctional Social Media:

    The Pew Center on the States Public Safety Performance Project offers a video on research to reduce recidivism as well as brief but powerful overviews of reentry and sentencing research. See .

    The U.S. DOJ Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships recently held two successful webinars on Faith and Community Based approaches to Reentry and Responsible Fatherhood Initiatives. Click the links below to watch/listen to these informative webinars.

    Faith and Community Based Approaches to Responsible Fatherhood and its Impact on Delinquency Prevention, see

    A Look at Faith & Community-Based Approaches to Offender Reentry, see

    The Louisiana Department of Corrections/Division of Probation and Parole is offering radio shows on offender reentry. Please visit their website at .

    The New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services offers podcasts at

    The Minnesota Department of Corrections offers a YouTube channel at .

    The Facebook page for the Rhode Island Department of Corrections is

    The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Facebook Page is .The Twitter page is .

    Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency:

    We welcome your comments or suggestions at

    The website for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency is

    The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barns

    Comments offered on “DC Public Safety” television and radio programs are the opinions of participants and do not necessarily represent the policies of CSOSA or other government agencies.


  • Workloads in Parole and Probation-APPA-RTI International-DC Public Safety Radio

    Welcome to “DC Public Safety” – Radio and television shows, blog and transcripts on crime, criminal offenders and the criminal justice system.

    We received 1.4 million page views in 2012.

    This is radio show 189.

    The portal site for “DC Public Safety” is

    Transcript available at

    Subscribe to “DC Public Safety” through iTunes.

    Current Radio Program:

    The program interviews Adam Matz, Research Associate, American Probation and Parole Association and Dr. Matthew DeMichele, Research Social Scientist at RTI International. Both address workload issues in parole and probation and how workloads affect the abilities of parole and probation agencies to both supervise and serve people on community supervision.

    Two documents were mentioned during the interview; Workload Considerations for Public Safety at and Parole and Probation’s Growing Caseloads and Workload Allocation at .

    The website for the American Probation and Parole Association is .

    The website for RTI International is

    Special Announcements:

    A top priority for Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is to invest in scientific research to ensure that the Department is both tough and smart on crime. The Office of Justice Programs’ website shapes rigorous research into a central, reliable, and credible resource to inform practitioners and policy makers about what works in criminal justice.

    A new website lists and evaluates prisoner re-entry programs nationwide. Launched yesterday by the Urban Institute, the Council of State Governments, and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Prisoner Reentry Institute, the “What Works Clearinghouse” can be seen at

    The National Reentry Resource Center is a project of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice. Please see the Center’s website at Please see “Federal Interagency Reentry Council Launches Website, Releases Myth-Buster Series” on the front page of the site (see announcements). CSOSA is a member of the Council.

    Several requesters have asked for national research on reentry. The Office of Justice Program’s National Institute of Justice reentry research portfolio supports the evaluation of innovative reentry programs. To access these studies and NIJ’s entire reentry research portfolio visit .

    The Office of Violence Against Women offers stalking response tips for corrections, prosecutors, judges, law enforcement, victims and victim advocates. They are posted on OVW’s website at .

    The National Institute of Corrections Information Center is one of the largest repositories for corrections research and information in the country. See

    Correctional Social Media:

    The Pew Center on the States Public Safety Performance Project offers a video on research to reduce recidivism as well as brief but powerful overviews of reentry and sentencing research. See .

    The U.S. DOJ Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships recently held two successful webinars on Faith and Community Based approaches to Reentry and Responsible Fatherhood Initiatives. Click the links below to watch/listen to these informative webinars.

    1.  Faith and Community Based Approaches to Responsible Fatherhood and its Impact on Delinquency Prevention, see
    2. A Look at Faith & Community-Based Approaches to Offender Reentry, see

    The Louisiana Department of Corrections/Division of Probation and Parole is offering radio shows on offender reentry. Please visit their website at .

    The New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services offers podcasts at

    The Minnesota Department of Corrections offers a YouTube channel at .

    The Facebook page for the Rhode Island Department of Corrections is

    The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Facebook Page is .The Twitter page is .

    Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency:

    We welcome your comments or suggestions at

    The website for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency is

    The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barns

  • Police-Parole and Probation Cooperation-Indiana University of Pennsylvania-APPA-DC Public Safety

    Welcome to “DC Public Safety” – Radio and television shows, blog and transcripts on crime, criminal offenders and the criminal justice system.

    We received 1.4 million page views in 2012.

    This is radio show 185.

    Transcript available at

    The portal site for “DC Public Safety” is

    Subscribe to “DC Public Safety” through iTunes.

    Current Radio Program:

    The program addresses police-parole and probation cooperation and interviews Dr. Bitna Kim, Assistant Professor, Department of Criminology,Indiana University of Pennsylvania and Adam Matz, Research Associate, Council of State Governments, American Probation and Parole Association.

    Webpage for the Indiana University of Pennsylvania:

    Website for the American Probation and Parole Association: .

    Dr. Kim and Mr. Matz recently published an article in “Federal Probation” discussing research as it applies to police-parole and probation cooperation. It’s available at .

    The Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA) recently offered a television show on the topic, see

    Special Announcements:

    A top priority for Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is to invest in scientific research to ensure that the Department is both tough and smart on crime. The Office of Justice Programs’ website shapes rigorous research into a central, reliable, and credible resource to inform practitioners and policy makers about what works in criminal justice.

    A new website lists and evaluates prisoner re-entry programs nationwide. Launched yesterday by the Urban Institute, the Council of State Governments, and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice Prisoner Reentry Institute, the “What Works Clearinghouse” can be seen at

    The National Reentry Resource Center is a project of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, US Department of Justice. Please see the Center’s website at Please see “Federal Interagency Reentry Council Launches Website, Releases Myth-Buster Series” on the front page of the site (see announcements). CSOSA is a member of the Council.

    Several requesters have asked for national research on reentry. The Office of Justice Program’s National Institute of Justice reentry research portfolio supports the evaluation of innovative reentry programs. To access these studies and NIJ’s entire reentry research portfolio visit .

    The Office of Violence Against Women offers stalking response tips for corrections, prosecutors, judges, law enforcement, victims and victim advocates. They are posted on OVW’s website at .

    The National Institute of Corrections Information Center is one of the largest repositories for corrections research and information in the country. See

    Correctional Social Media:

    The Pew Center on the States Public Safety Performance Project offers a video on research to reduce recidivism as well as brief but powerful overviews of reentry and sentencing research. See .

    The U.S. DOJ Center for Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships recently held two successful webinars on Faith and Community Based approaches to Reentry and Responsible Fatherhood Initiatives. Click the links below to watch/listen to these informative webinars.

    1.  Faith and Community Based Approaches to Responsible Fatherhood and its Impact on Delinquency Prevention, see
    2. A Look at Faith & Community-Based Approaches to Offender Reentry, see

    The Louisiana Department of Corrections/Division of Probation and Parole is offering radio shows on offender reentry. Please visit their website at .

    The New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services offers podcasts at

    The Minnesota Department of Corrections offers a YouTube channel at .

    The Facebook page for the Rhode Island Department of Corrections is

    The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Facebook Page is .The Twitter page is .

    Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency:

    We welcome your comments or suggestions at

    The website for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency is

    The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barnes.

