Drug Courts in Washington, D.C. “DC Public Safety”

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The program interviews Carline Claudomir and Amanda Rocha, both Community Supervision Officers (known elsewhere as parole and probation agents). Both addressed probation drug court in Washington, D.C. The Superior Court of the District of Columbia operates drug courts in D.C. See http://www.dccourts.gov/.

Drug court in D.C. involves offenders on probation with substance abuse backgrounds. The program offers treatment and an array of additional programs. Problems during supervision mandate immediate intermediate sanctions (including incarceration for short periods of time). Successful completion of the program could result in early termination of probation.

There is a pretrial version of drug court via CSOSA’s sister agency; the District of Columbia Pretrial Services Agency. Both are federal, executive branch agencies.

For additional information on drug courts, see www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/enforce/drugcourt.html

Transcript available at http://media.csosa.gov/podcast/transcripts/2011/01/drug-courts-in-washington-d-c-%e2%80%9cdc-public-safety%e2%80%9d/

The website for the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency is www.csosa.gov.

The program is hosted by Leonard Sipes. The producer is Timothy Barnes.
